Welcome to St. Matthew School's

Sue Rivord
Mrs. Sue Rivord was born in Seattle and grew up in Bellingham. She attended Assumption Catholic School, Sehome High School and graduated from Western Washington University with a BA in Education as a K-12 Physical Education Specialist. Her post baccalaureate education added teaching endorsements in K-12 Choral Music and K-8 Elementary Classroom. She previously taught at Assumption Catholic School in Bellingham, Immaculate Conception Regional School in Mt Vernon, St Mary Magdalen Catholic School in Everett and St Benedict Catholic School in Seattle before coming to St Matthew in 2019. When not teaching at St Matthew School, she is singing in the choir at St Mary Magdalen Parish, volunteering with SMM Altar Society, Catholic Daughters of the Americas, and the Serra Club of Everett.
Music Curriculum
Pre-K-2nd grade
Early elementary students explore many different ways to sing and create music using body percussion, group/solo singing, pitched and unpitched instruments, and beginning music notation.
3rd – 5th Grade
Upper elementary students build upon previous skills taught with a focus on learning specific skills on an instrument. 3rd grade use pitched and un-pitched instruments to create music melodies, 4th grade learn to play the ukulele, and 5th grade students have the opportunity to join beginning band.
The middle school music curriculum focuses on individual and group projects to learn about specific music topics.
6th Grade
6th Grade focuses on the music of the Ancient World, creating a Google Slide presentation on the music of an ancient culture, and work in small groups to create and write a simple melody using an ancient music mode.
7th Grade
7th Grade focuses on the music of many cultures, learning to classify instruments using a universal classification system and using instruments to play melodies and ostinatos from other countries and cultures.
8th Grade
8th Grade focuses on learning about music of different genres of the modern era. They create a Google slide presentation comparing the music of several genres and work on a group project creating an original song.
School Christmas Program
All students in Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade participate in a Spring Music Program held in conjunction with an All-School Art Walk when permitted. Each class shares a special song celebrating a specific theme for the program.
Additional music opportunities
School Choir: Students in Grades 4-8 have the opportunity to participate in an after-school choir when permitted.
Beginning/Intermediate Band: Students in Grades 5-8 have the opportunity to participate in an after-school band program held twice a week.
School Masses/Prayer Services: All Kindergarten-8th Grade classes have the opportunity to help with a school mass several times a year.
Students participate as lectors, readers and gift bearers. When permitted, each class has the opportunity to help lead the singing at Mass. Interested students in the Middle School have the opportunity to participate as Cantors for School Masses when no specific grade is assigned to lead the Mass. All grades have the opportunity to help lead an all school prayer service during Advent, Lent, and Rosary Weeks held in October and May. Students participate as prayer leaders and song leaders when permitted.