2nd Grade Overview

By Second Grade, students have adjusted to learning both in a classroom environment and remotely! They have learned the basics of reading, writing, and math, and are ready to build on those as they learn new strategies and skills. Routines like working independently and in cooperative groups will be familiar.

Helping second graders become stronger readers and writers is one of my greatest pleasures as a teacher. Sharing a love of books and helping to children gain confidence in their skills as a reader is a highlight of second grade. Second Grade is a pivotal year in reading.

This is a time when students are challenged to become more fluent, independent readers. They will use their decoding skills and context clues to figure out unfamiliar words.

We LOVE art! Students have an abundance of opportunities to show off their creative side! Come by the Second Grade and you might meet Mr. Wizard! He is an important member of our class. He helps the students learn about friendship, sharing, and P.R.I.S.M – Pride, Respect, Inclusion, Safety and Manners. (And …. his favorite color is purple!)

Welcome to Second Grade!

Mrs. McCloskey

Mrs. McCloskey was born and raised in the Seattle area. When she is not at school, you could probably find Mrs. McCloskey reading, camping, or visiting Maui with her family.

Mrs. McCloskey is a graduate of Bishop Blanchet High School in Seattle. She received her Bachelor of Science at the University of Santa Clara and completed her teacher certification at the University of Santa Barbara.

Mrs. McCloskey has been teaching at St. Matthew School since 1983. I am proud to be a part of the St. Matthew School Community. The students and families are kind, supportive, generous, and faith-filled.


Language Arts

In the Second Grade, we use the Daily 5 program for fostering literacy and independence.  The Daily 5 program forms a foundation for learning. It encompasses reading, writing, spelling, communication skills and processes, and spelling.

Daily 5 is “How We Teach.” The day is structured to include the five elements of the Daily Five:Read to Self, Read to a Partner, Work on Writing, Listen to Reading, and Word Work
C.A.F.E. is what we teach. This includes Comprehension strategies, reading for Accuracy, building Fluency, and Expanding vocabulary.


    • Build a strong word list using spelling patterns and spelling strategies


    • Writing Process: Prewriting skills, drafting, editing, re-writing, publishing, and sharing writing with others
    • Six Traits of Writing: Ideas, organization, voice, sentence fluency, word choice, and conventions
    • Writes for a range of purposes: Opinion, informative, and narrative



Our Second Grade math program uses the McGraw-Hill, My Math program. Students also use classroom I-Pads to access IXL Math. IXL provides online support for the 2nd grade Math standards.

          Core Content:

Numbers and Operations in Base 10

    • Place Value
    • Use place value and properties of operations to add and subtract


Operations and Algebraic Thinking

    • Solve problems involving addition and subtraction
    • Fluently add and subtract numbers within 20
    • Work with equal groups, building foundations for multiplication


Measurement and Data

    • Measure and estimate lengths using standard units
    • Work with Time and Monday
    • Represent and interpret data


Our Second Grade religion program uses the Blest Are We, Faith in Action materials published by RCL Benziger.

  • Sacrament of Baptism, Reconciliation, and the Eucharist
  • Liturgy of the Word
  • Service to others



In Second Grade, we add more advanced science to our curriculum, building on previous years’ general principles. Students engage in hands-on explorations in discovery during science inquiry projects. Our science units include magnetism and electricity. Students are able to design and create a complete circuit. Bulbs are lighting and buzzers are buzzing!

  • Teach and explore the Scientific Method
  • Units include Magnetism and Electricity, the Earth’s structure, and Solids, Liquids, and Gases.


Social Studies

Belonging to a Community

In social studies, we continue to focus on community. Second graders work to connect our Student Learning Expectations to real life situations.  Students have the opportunity to choose and lead service projects.

Our Second Grade Social Studies program uses the Houghton Mifflin text, Some People I Know.

    • Civics: Explain how the government in our community is organized. Act in ways that are helpful to everyone in the community. Participate in community service.
    • Economics: Understanding needs and wants. Explain the goods and services that community members provide.
    • History: Tell about important people in our community from the past. Make a timeline that shows events that have happened in our community. Understanding and listening to different points of view.
    • Geography: Describe physical characteristics of our community, such as rivers, mountains, lakes, and parks. Developing map skills. Reading and using a map, compass rose, charts, and graphs