4th Grade Overview
The covenant comes from promises made between God and His chosen people, the Israelites. This year we will work to treat others the way you want to be treated, always show PRIDE in the words you choose and the behaviors you use, show RESPECT by giving your attention to the speaker, HELP OTHERS when they need help, Be GENEROUS and KIND, be QUIET when someone else is talking.
Welcome to Fourth Grade!

Ms. Herber
Ms. Herber is a graduate of Blanchet High School and the University of Washington. Her family, music, travel, and learning new things are important to her. She has taught at St. Matthew School for over twenty years. One of her favorite things about teaching is watching students grow from PreK to Grade 8 and beyond!
“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.” Abigail Adams
- Based on the Blest Are We series with emphasis on God’s Goodness, Jesus as the Son of God, the Holy Spirit, The Church, and Social Justice. We hope to prepare and host a liturgy or two this year. Steps to Respect lessons will also be presented (Friendship Building, Recognizing/Refusing/Reporting Bullying, Bystanders, and Doing Your Part).
- 4th grade series is called My Math. Our math program is based on the Washington State Common Core mathematics standards. Core content areas include: Multi-digit multiplication, fractions, decimals, mixed numbers, perimeter and area. Core processes include reasoning, problem solving and communication.
Reading/Language Arts
- Use of reading strategies such as decoding, predict/infer, monitor/clarify, summary, and evaluation skills to improve vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension; The DRA (developmental reading assessment) will be given to students at the start and finish of the school year. Grammar skills; cursive handwriting; read aloud, and speaking skills will also be targeted.
- Life Science (Structures and Processes in plants and animals); Earth Science (the history of planet Earth as shown in rock formations and fossils, weathering, erosion, natural resources and hazards); Physical Science: Energy (Types, conservation, transfer, and chemical processes in everyday life); Waves (Properties, electromagnetic radiation, use in information transfer).
- Uses the writing process (prewrite, draft, revise, edit, publish, and evaluate); and Six Traits to improve conventions, ideas, sentence fluency, organization, and voice. Emphasis on narrative, expository, and persuasive forms.
- Digital Citizenship, use of Google Suite of Applications for Education, use of technology for research, Keyboarding skills, word processing basics.
- Pretest & weekly word list on Mondays, review at end of the week.
Social Studies
- Geography skills; Washington State (geography, resources, agriculture, etc.).